2025年 2月 11日 星期二    English   


加拿大润泽国际有限公司(MIHB INC.)


 加拿大润泽国际有限公司,依托加拿大独特的自然资源、先进的生产技术、严格的监管体系为基础,生产出高品质的保健产品并且保证了产品的安全性。润泽国际以最先进的营销模式(C2C2F、O2O),最先进的营销方法(互联网+ ,大数据),最流行的营销手段(电子商务+微商+会销+直销)面向全球市场。润泽国际,是一家承载着全世界华人传统美德而又含有西方哲学的综合文化的企业,它在全世界宣扬着华夏儿女上下五千年的历史文化,同时又吸纳西方先进的科学体系,是一家中西文化完美合璧的企业!润泽国际在全球招募有识之士,共创辉煌!
MIHB INC. With Canada's unique natural resources, advanced production technology, strict regulatory system as the basis, good-quality health care products can foster.
With the most scientific marketing model (C2C2F, O2O), the most rigorous marketing methods (Internet Plus,BigData), the most advanced marketing tools (E-Commerce,Direct Marketing), for the global market.
With strategic considerations, we are looking for well-organized, highly-motivated candidates join us.
MIHB INC. With Canada's unique natural resources, advanced production technology, strict regulatory system as the basis, good-quality health care products can foster.
With the most scientific marketing model (C2C2F, O2O), the most rigorous marketing methods (Internet Plus,BigData), the most advanced marketing tools (E-Commerce,Direct Marketing), for the global market.
With strategic considerations, we are looking for well-organized, highly-motivated candidates join us.



机构自行筹款运作37年,推广公益活动。主办了知名度高,深受欢迎的1~24届年度传统民俗街节(几万人流量的活动/Heritage Village Festival, 1~19届音乐节/Music Festival及音乐颁奖晚会/Gala Concert (几百人参赛,上千人参加活动), 年度灯节/Festival of Lights(300-500人参加), 年度欢乐大合唱/Choral Extravaganza (3百合唱演员,400-600观众),深受加拿大政府总理,联邦、省,市办公室对社区贡献的认可,称赞及赢得社会各界的尊重。
Arts Richmond Hill
Founded in 1979, Arts Richmond Hill is a community based Arts Council whose mandate is the advancement of arts, culture and heritage through promotion, aware-ness, and education. Arts Richmond Hill is supported through membership, donations, sponsorships, and grants. It is our long-term goal to create an "Integrated Living Arts Community" in association with all members of the public, and to perpetuate arts, culture and heritage within our community for the next generation.
Arts Richmond Hill is not-for-profit, voluntary organization committed to enhancing the arts, culture and heritage in the Town of Richmond Hill through an entrepreneurial approach to program, services and facility provision.
Accessible programs, services, and facilities regardless of age, gender, economic position and cultural background; unification of Arts Organizations for the enhancement of the intrinsic values of arts, culture and heritage; open debate of arts, culture and heritage challenges and collaborative resolution of related issues; fiscal and organizational account ability to residents and Town Council; provision of quality arts and culture experiences for participants and spectators alike.

